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How do you relocate a data center?The three types of data center moves are: Lift and Shift - a relocation that includes data backup, equipment shutdown, equipment moves, equipment setup, and equipment startup. This is straightforward but may result in significant downtime. Swing Move - a zero-downtime migration that uses backup servers to store data during a physical move. This may be expensive because of the cost of the backup servers, but it reduces overall risk. Virtual Move - a migration where data is backed up to the cloud and no physical relocation is required. The migration of data is virtual and the burden of physical infrastructure is outsourced to the cloud host.
Why do companies relocate their data centers?Technology and data storage needs continue to evolve in every industry. Various factors may cause a company to relocate its servers, including consolidation, expansion, and cost efficiency. Consolidating data centers can lower overall energy consumption and reduce complexity. Growth forecasts may indicate that a larger (or smaller) facility will be required to store the expected volumes of data. Electricity, tax, security, management, and communications infrastructure costs may also be a factor. Companies should consider their current constraints and potential relocation options to determine if a move would be beneficial.
What are the risks of data center relocation?Physical assets and virtual data are both at risk during a data center relocation, in addition to liabilities from potential worker injuries. Uptime and storage capacity requirements cannot be interrupted for migration without risking lost revenue or even breaches of contract. Data center equipment must be handled carefully to minimize the risk of damage, overheating, or improper installation. Personnel safety is arguably the most important risk to address, by ensuring regulatory standards are met and proper methods and equipment are used for disconnecting, moving, and installing equipment. This includes using a data center lift that is specifically designed to safely move large and heavy IT equipment.
What are the challenges with data center relocation?Data center relocation challenges include system redundancy (backup data storage), physical handling of equipment, and proper integration at the new facility. Plans should address preventing data loss and downtime, which requires data replication. High priorities should be worker and equipment safety. Installation at the new facility must comply with regulations, safety codes, and performance design. An execution plan is essential to ensure that all challenges are addressed before the data center relocation and that these tasks are properly coordinated.
How long does it take to relocate a data center?The entire process of deciding to relocate, finding a suitable location, and executing a data center relocation can take a year or more. Most of this time is spent planning with internal teams and external stakeholders. The actual move might be done within a few weeks, but only after a location is secured, logistics are determined, and an execution plan is enacted. To avoid scheduling oversights, download our data center relocation checklist and refer to other resources throughout our website.
How can data center relocation costs be lowered?Data center relocation costs can be lowered through efficiency, experience, and safety. A budget should be developed for the move, taking into account the location, distance, and quantity of servers. Standard practice is to budget 10 to 25 percent more than anticipated to compensate for unforeseen circumstances. The actual cost of a data center relocation may vary widely. Lower data center relocation costs with proper planning and the right data center lift to ensure worker and equipment safety.
How can an organization prepare for data center relocation?Plan for the preparation phase, transit phase, and decommissioning/closeout phase. A data center relocation project should also specify the devices that will be used to lift servers and other equipment. Ensure that data center lifts are designed to guarantee worker and equipment safety.
Should data center relocations be contracted or do-it-yourself (DIY)?The relocation project plan should include the personnel needed, hardware and software inventory, transit equipment requirements, take-down and installation processes, and contingency scenarios. To determine whether an organization needs to contract the move or do it itself, it should compare its equipment, staff, and experience to the budget and risk analysis. If the decision is made to contract the data center relocation, ensure that the relocation company is certified, has the right equipment, offers high-value insurance, and has sufficient data center relocation experience.
What equipment should be used to relocate and re-install Data Centers?Equipment used for a data center relocation should be a Data Center Infrastructure Handling (DCIH) device that is specifically designed and manufactured to safely move and install heavy IT equipment in server rooms.
What regulations and guidelines are relevant to Data Center relocations?Data center infrastructure should be handled according to manufacturer recommendations and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) guidelines. Local regulations may also apply to safety precautions that need to be taken during the move. Project planning should include a dedicated effort to identify all applicable requirements to avoid an oversight with new infrastructure or processes during the move.
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